God and Jesus and angels all back me up

1 Timothy 5:21-22(MESSAGE)

God and Jesus and angels all back me up in these instructions. Carry them out without favoritism, without taking sides. Don’t appoint people to church leadership positions too hastily. If a person is involved in some serious sins, you don’t want to become an unwitting accomplice. In any event, keep a close check on yourself. And don’t worry too much about what the critics will say.


When we examine the eight uses of the word pure in the New Testament, we see that they fall neatly into two buckets: personal and relational. This word is used to describe either personal purity or purity that is seen only as we interact relationally with those around us. 

On a personal level, followers of Jesus are called to be pure in their conduct. Paul told Timothy, “Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure [hagnos—(pronounced hawg-NAHS)]” (1 Timothy 5:22(KJV)). The Greek version of the Old Testament sums up this idea when it says, “The way of the guilty is crooked, but the conduct of the pure [hagnos] is upright” (Proverbs 21:8(KJV)).

Each of these verses uses this concept of purity on a personal level. They refer to a believer’s conduct—the actions and behaviors they are to have. Our actions are to be unstained and “set apart” from the immoral craziness of the world around us. We show our purity in everything from our words to our sexuality to our honesty to our business ethics. We are to mimic the righteousness and set-apart nature of God himself.

Another equally important aspect of this call involves how we interact with those around us. James 3:17(KJV) lists relational traits that define what true wisdom looks like: “But the wisdom from above is first pure [hagnos], then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.” These are all relational traits. You can’t demonstrate these traits without other people. 

Holiness is just as much a relational characteristic as it is a personal one. So which call is given in Philippians 4:8(KJV)? The verse tells us to think this way, but it’s one of those rare verses that doesn’t say whether this purity is personal or relational. In the absence of any contextual clues, combined with the fact that the concept appears in a generic list, we can only assume that the fullness of hagnos, in both it’s personal and its relational setting, must be in play. Bottom line: the call to think about “whatever is pure” means that we are to be good and relate well. These form the defining characteristics of our holiness. 

Devotional by Jamie Rasmussen [How joyful people think]


5:21 in the presence of God and Christ Jesus and the highest angels. In Greek, there is a single article before “God and Christ Jesus.” Paul was viewing God and Christ as a conceptual unit. The article is then repeated in front of “the holy angels” as a second witness to his charge.

holy angels, “chosen angels.” Israel was a chosen people (Rom 9:4(KJV)); Gentiles, in turn, became a “chosen people” (1 Pet 2:9(KJV); cf. Rom 11:7(KJV)) and believers God’s “chosen ones” (Mark 13:20(KJV)). This is the only place in the NT where angels are spoken of as “chosen.”

without taking sides, “without prejudging” (prokrima)—to draw a conclusion before all the facts are in evidence.

showing favoritism. The Greek word prosklisin means to incline toward something or someone. In the NT it bears a negative sense of bias or prejudice.

5:22 Never be in a hurry about appointing a church leader. Mē in Greek followed by the present imperative means to stop an action in progress. It implies that Timothy was hurrying to replace elders without due consideration.

appointing a church leader, “lay hands on.”

Do not share in the sins of others. Mē in Greek followed by the present imperative means to stop an action in progress.

Keep yourself pure. The word “pure” also occurs in 5:2, with respect to Timothy’s relationship with younger women.

Linda Belleville, “Commentary on 1 Timothy,” in Cornerstone Biblical Commentary: 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, and Hebrews, vol. 17 (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2009), 103.

Troubled times we live in

With all these things going on in the United States nowadays, it’s become a very trying time for us who believe and for others who don’t believe in Jesus Christ.

Knowing what to do and how to handle it is hard, but I’m here to say today that we are not alone, But Christ is there beside us right now, looking after and taking care of us.

I  want to share a few scriptures with you hope this will encourage you and enlighten your heart a little bit. But don’t forget that we still have work to do.

We have been commissioned by God almighty to spread his gospel to this world.

John 14:27(KJV): Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

2 Corinthians 13:11(KJV): Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, and live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.

Mark 16:15(KJV): And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

Message from HPM

Listen to this article

We need to show LOVE to anyone that comes to our online church no matter where they come from, no matter what their ethnicity, lifestyle, or sexual orientation. The message of Jesus Christ is open to all, we are messengers of Jesus Christ.

We are here to present the gospel message to the world around us, in doing so it is up to each individual, as to what they want to do with this message, to deny or accept it.

If you deny Him, then we want to pray for you, that God would speak to you. Go to our website link and ask us to pray for you: Prayer Requests – Hiding Place Ministry

If you accept him, then we want to be there to help you grow in the things Jesus taught, throughout the scriptures. So, you can be the person that God wants you to be.

We are here for you, though this may take so much time on both our parts, We are happy to do so, and we want you to know we care about you and your relationship with God.

If you want to talk with someone, we can arrange this by phone or through Zoom for a face-to-face. Go to our website link: Talk with Us – Hiding Place Ministry

Rev. Dr. Cecil Wayne Thorn

Thank you all for your support

We want to thank all of our first-time visitors and regular visitors for visiting the Hiding Place Ministry website in 2022.

We reached 122,650 total visitors last year and we are praying that we can double that number next year.

God Bless,

HPM Directors

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Look at Us

This is the first time that I have said this, we need to look at ourselves and our core values as Christians in this day and age.

There are lots of things going on in our country that our government is trying to do to take away our Christian core values.

Recently, the government is trying to take away our right to choose whether we can turn down jobs that conflict with our religious beliefs.

That we must reject our belief in what marriage is and we must accept same-sex marriages as the new norm.

You know the lists, it’s growing on a daily bases.

We must stand on what the Bible teaches us to obey His commandments. We must stand for with is right in the eyes of God.

We must not let our government dictate what is against our beliefs. Stand up and make your voice be heard to this lost and dying world we live in.


Civil Government

Civil government. As Christians, we are called to bear with our government wherever possible (Romans 13:1-7(KJV)) When and if a civil government refuses people the liberty to worship and obey God freely, it has lost its mandate of authority from God. At that point, a Christian should feel justified in disobeying. Jesus did not call for revolution against Rome, even though it was an oppressive conqueror of Israel. On the other hand, the apostles refused to obey an order not to preach and teach in Jesus’ name (Acts 5:27-29(KJV)) Blind obedience to the government is never right. However difficult or costly it may be, we all must reserve the right to say no to things that we consider oppressive or immoral. (Hebrews 12:14(KJV); 2 Corinthians 13:11(KJV); Romans 12:18(KJV)).


Marriage is the act of joining together one man and one woman in holy wedlock. The Bible allows for no other combination of joining together to be identified as marriage. (Genesis 2:24(KJV); Matthew 19:5-7(KJV), 1 Corinthians 7:2(KJV); Ephesians 5:31(KJV))


(2) The Bible says that it is an abomination for a man to lie with a man as with a woman, or a woman to lie with a woman as with a man (Leviticus 18:22(KJV), Leviticus 20:13(KJV)). The apostle Paul called it “shameful,” the result of being given up by God to “vile passions” (Romans 1:24-27(KJV)). In the Old Testament, those who practiced these things were removed from the congregation of Israel by execution. We are told in the New Testament that those who practice homosexuality will not enter the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9(KJV),1 Corinthians 6:10(KJV)). The apostle Paul shows homosexuality as a final order of rebellion against God. This ministry, therefore, will not employ or retain in employment those who are known or revealed to be living a homosexual lifestyle. (Genesis 2:24(KJV); Romans 8:24(KJV), Romans 8:26(KJV), Romans 8:27, Romans 8:32(KJV) Romans 2:2(KJV), 1 Corinthians 6:9(KJV),1 Corinthians 6:10(KJV)).

Racial Nondiscrimination Policy

Hiding Place Ministry Intl. has a racial nondiscrimination policy for members of and clients served through its various ministries and therefore does not discriminate against members or clients on the basis of race, color, and national or ethnic origin.

Insulin FREE

Hi, my name is Wayne Thorn and I was talking to Cheryl Eaton one of the directors of Hiding Place Ministry about this, and told me I should post this praise report online. About the trials and tribulations, I have gone through for over 20 years of being a diabetic stage 2 which caused me to have to take insulin 3-6 times a day trying to keep my blood sugar down, to no avail. My A1C was at 13.4 which is extremely high, even life-threatening.

Now, for the Great news as of November 30th, 2022, I have been, insulin-free. My A1C is at 6.9 which is in the normal range, I have not been out of the normal range since then and my endocrinologist (diabetes doctor) has been flabbergasted as to what going on. She has never seen results like this, so fast. It’s like my pancreas has reset itself and now it working as it should.

But I have to give all the praise to God. I and others have been praying for me about this problem for years. We know that when people go on insulin they never come off of it. But God! has seen to heal my pancreas and make me whole again.

If you are going through the same thing or anything God cares for you and only wants the best for you. He knows when the time is right to reach out to you and answers your prayers as he did mine.

God bless,

If you want someone to pray with you about your needs, click the link below:

Apology for the Russian Post

On Friday, our website was again hacked by the Russians. this time they used a POST, which then got sent out to our Email Subscribers.

We have since then removed the Post and removed the user from our website. We have also beefed up the security of our site. Hopefully, they will not be able to do this again.

Again we apologize for the inconvenience to our Subscribers.

Thank you, and God bless you as we continue to spread the Gospel around the world.

Hiding Place Ministry Directors

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