Prayer Requests





  • Sam Holland passed away on 4/27/24, please pray for the family as today 5/4/2025 the family will be holding a memorial service.

    Pray as well that God will lead them through this troubling time and for people will be there for them.

    For we are the body of Christ, when one hurts, we all hurt with them.
    1. Covet your prayers for those that need a healing touch, Abby Haze an infant having problems are cancer treatments to her eye there's an obstruction.  Pray for Christy Stephens and Mallory Huffman needing a touch from the Lord. Pray for Joy Clemmer, Erin Clemmer and Linda Norris. Pray for Pastors Semusu and Pastor Modern for their ministry needs in Uganda.
    2. Asking prayers for Abby Haze a small child that has eye cancer treatments have left an obstruction that's causing vision problem. Requesting prayers for several aging Brothers and Sisters with heal issues, Butch -Pat Scates, Don-Millie Capel and Gary -Sandra Watson. Pray for our missionary Pastors Semusu and Modern in Uganda. Pray for America in conflict with college students chanting death to America, death to Israel and not out loud death to Christianity.
    3. Asking prayers for Abby Haze a small child that has eye cancer treatments have left an obstruction that's causing vision problem. Requesting prayers for several aging Brothers and Sisters with heal issues, Butch -Pat Scates, Don-Millie Capel and Gary -Sandra Watson. Pray for our missionary Pastors Semusu and Modern in Uganda. Pray for America in conflict with college students chanting death to America, death to Israel and not out loud death to Christianity.


    Would you like to be a prayer partner with Hiding Place Ministry

    HPM is looking for people to join us, as one our prayer partners.

    There are so many people in need and need to partner with someone for their prayer needs. We are looking for people with a Gift of Miracles.

    The gift of miracles is the divine strength or ability to alter the natural outcomes of life in a supernatural way through prayer, faith, and divine direction.

    Acts 9:36-42, 19:11-12, 20:7-12; Romans 15:18-19; 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28

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