How can Christian men become masculine and vulnerable with their emotions?

There is a war on masculinity, and everywhere we look—on every front we hold sacred—we can see the painful reminders of this collapsing order. The chaos and crisis we are experiencing today should be a signal for men everywhere to rise up; to fight to preserve our way of life by once again walking the ancient paths. But this isn’t a journey that need be taken alone.

John Lovell – check out his book on Amazon

It’s important to clarify that vulnerability is not inherently incompatible with masculinity, nor is it contradictory to Christianity . In fact, many Christian teachings emphasize the importance of emotional honesty, vulnerability, and compassion. However, there may be concerns about how to balance traditional views of masculinity with emotional expression within the context of Christian upbringing. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Lead by Example: As Christian parents or mentors, demonstrate healthy emotional expression and vulnerability in your own life. Model open communication, honesty about feelings, and seeking support when needed.
  2. Teach Emotional Intelligence: Educate young men about emotions, their purpose, and how to recognize and express them in healthy ways. Emphasize the importance of empathy, compassion, and understanding others’ feelings.
  3. Encourage Communication: Create a safe and non-judgmental environment where young men feel comfortable discussing their emotions and seeking support when they need it. Encourage open communication within the family and community.
  4. Challenge Gender Stereotypes: Challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes that suggest men should suppress their emotions or appear invulnerable. Teach that true strength includes the ability to be vulnerable and seek help when necessary.
  5. Provide Positive Role Models: Introduce young men to positive male role models who demonstrate both strength and vulnerability, whether they’re figures from history, literature, or real-life examples in the community.
  6. Affirm God’s Love and Acceptance: Teach young men that their worth and identity are rooted in God’s love and acceptance, regardless of societal expectations or cultural norms surrounding masculinity.
  7. Encourage Healthy Relationships: Teach the importance of healthy relationships built on trust, respect, and emotional intimacy. Emphasize the value of vulnerability in deepening connections with others.
  8. Address Toxic Masculinity: Be proactive in addressing attitudes or behaviors that perpetuate toxic masculinity, including aggression, dominance, and emotional suppression. Teach young men to reject harmful stereotypes and embrace a healthier, more balanced view of masculinity.
  9. Provide Supportive Resources: Offer resources such as books, workshops, or counseling that can help young men explore and navigate their emotions in a healthy way within the framework of their faith.
  10. Pray and Seek Guidance: Pray for wisdom and guidance in raising young men who embody the values of compassion, empathy, and emotional resilience. Seek counsel from trusted spiritual leaders or mentors within the Christian community.

By integrating these approaches, Christians can help nurture masculine men who are not afraid to be vulnerable with their emotions while also embodying the values of faith, strength, and compassion.

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Bible amazing cross reference

By Pastor Morales : Jesus Only Hope

You need to listen to this!


This is a graph that shows the handy work of God.

Now, what you’re saying here is every cross reference in the Bible that is overt, an overt cross reference in the Bible.

Guess how many connections in the Bible? 63,779 connections in the Bible.

If this was the work composed by one man, we would say this man is a master.

What a master be? He’s a master composer.

The problem is this is written by 40 different men over 1500 years on three continents, Europe, Asia, and Africa, in three different languages, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.

And the entire book tells one United story is all connected together.

Friends, listen to me.

The only answer for this is God. Period.

You find me another book in all of human civilization that even scratches the surface of this.

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