Bible amazing cross reference

By Pastor Morales : Jesus Only Hope

You need to listen to this!


This is a graph that shows the handy work of God.

Now, what you’re saying here is every cross reference in the Bible that is overt, an overt cross reference in the Bible.

Guess how many connections in the Bible? 63,779 connections in the Bible.

If this was the work composed by one man, we would say this man is a master.

What a master be? He’s a master composer.

The problem is this is written by 40 different men over 1500 years on three continents, Europe, Asia, and Africa, in three different languages, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.

And the entire book tells one United story is all connected together.

Friends, listen to me.

The only answer for this is God. Period.

You find me another book in all of human civilization that even scratches the surface of this.

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How do we disciple people that are LGBTQ+, SSA or have gender dysphoria to the way of the cross?

Discipling individuals who identify as LGBTQ+, SSA  or experience gender dysphoria requires sensitivity, empathy, and respect for their unique experiences and perspectives. It is important to approach this topic with love, understanding, and a willingness to listen. Here are some considerations when engaging in discipleship:

1. Educate yourself: Take the time to educate yourself about LGBTQ+ issues, SSA and gender dysphoria, and the theological and cultural perspectives surrounding them. Understanding the complexities and nuances will help you approach discussions and discipleship with greater empathy and knowledge.

2. Build a relationship: Focus on building a genuine and authentic relationship with the person you wish to disciple. Seek to understand their experiences, challenges, and aspirations. Show respect for their dignity as a human being and avoid approaching them solely as a project or problem to be solved.

3. Active listening: Be a compassionate listener. Allow them to express their thoughts, emotions, and questions without judgment. Create a safe space for open and honest dialogue, where they feel heard and valued.

4. Love and acceptance: Emphasize the unconditional love and acceptance of Jesus Christ. Emphasize that their identity and worth are not solely defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity but rather by being made in the image of God. Reinforce that God loves all people and desires a relationship with them.

Loving LGBTQ+ and SSA (same-sex attracted) individuals within the context of God’s plan involves treating them with compassion, respect, and dignity, just as we should treat any other person. It is important to understand that while certain scriptural passages address same-sex relationships, there is ongoing theological debate and interpretation regarding their application to contemporary understandings of sexual orientation and gender identity. However, there are scriptural principles that guide us in loving all individuals, including those who identify as LGBTQ+ or experience same-sex attraction. Here are some key scriptural references and principles:

1. Love your neighbor as yourself: Jesus emphasized the commandment to love one’s neighbor as oneself (Mark 12:31(KJV)). This includes showing kindness, respect, and compassion to all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

2. The Great Commandment: Jesus taught that the two greatest commandments are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31(KJV)). These commandments apply to all people, irrespective of their sexual orientation.

3. The example of Jesus: Throughout the Gospels, Jesus exemplified love and acceptance toward individuals who were marginalized or ostracized by society. He demonstrated compassion and reached out to those who were considered outcasts (Luke 15:1-2(KJV), Luke 19:1-10(KJV)).

4. The Golden Rule: Jesus taught the principle of treating others as we would like to be treated (Matthew 7:12(KJV)). This principle applies to how we interact with LGBTQ+ and SSA individuals, showing them the same respect and dignity we desire for ourselves.

5. God’s love for all: Scripture repeatedly affirms that God’s love is inclusive and extends to all people. John 3:16(KJV) states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This includes LGBTQ+ and SSA individuals, who are equally deserving of God’s love and grace.

It is essential to approach these discussions with humility and an understanding that different individuals and faith communities may interpret and apply scriptural teachings differently. Engaging in respectful dialogue and seeking to understand the experiences and perspectives of LGBTQ+ and SSA individuals is crucial in fostering love and compassion within God’s plan.

5. Study Scripture together: Engage in a respectful study of the Bible together. Explore relevant passages and seek to understand their historical and cultural contexts. Discuss different interpretations and theological perspectives. Remember to approach Scripture with humility, recognizing that sincere Christians hold diverse views on these topics.

6. Encourage prayer and reflection: Encourage the person to seek God’s guidance through prayer and personal reflection. Provide resources like devotionals or books that address faith and sexuality/gender identity from various perspectives, allowing them to explore and discern their own understanding.

7. Provide support networks: Connect the person with supportive communities, such as LGBTQ+ affirming churches or Christian organizations that provide resources and support for individuals reconciling their faith with their sexual orientation or gender identity. It is essential to offer spaces where they can find understanding, fellowship, and guidance.

1. The Reformation Project ( The Reformation Project is an organization that seeks to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion in the church. They offer resources, books, and educational materials that explore the biblical and theological arguments for LGBTQ+ affirmation.

2. Generous Space Ministries ( Generous Space Ministries is a Canadian organization that provides support and discipleship for LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies. They offer small groups, retreats, and resources to foster inclusive and affirming communities.

3. Living Out ( Living Out is a UK-based organization that aims to help Christians who experience same-sex attraction live in accordance with biblical teachings on sexual ethics. They offer articles, videos, and personal stories from individuals who navigate their faith and sexuality.

4. The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender ( The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender is an organization that seeks to provide a bridge between the LGBTQ+ community and the Christian community. They offer resources, training events, and conferences for pastors, parents, and individuals.

8. Books and Authors:

   – “God and the Gay Christian” by Matthew Vines

   – “Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate” by Justin Lee

   – “Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians” by Austen Hartke

  – “Unashamed: A Coming-Out Guide for LGBTQ Christians” by Amber Cantorna

   – “Is God anti-gay: And other questions about homosexuality, the Bible and same-sex attraction”  by Sam Allberry

9. What Verses Does the LGBTQ+ Take Out of Context?  by Dr. Bobby Conway

Remember, the process of discipleship is personal and unique for each individual. Respect their autonomy and personal journey, understanding that they may ultimately arrive at different conclusions. Focus on modeling Christ’s love and acceptance, and trust that God is ultimately working in their lives. 10.

10. Sins in the Bible: The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23(KJV) “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”, It does not matter what sin or sins we have committed, God is still out there and He wants you to ask Him for forgiveness and for you to repent of your sins. Then God said “and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.” Micah 7:19b(KJV) and Hebrew 8:12(KJV) “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.”

“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Luke 6:42 (NIV)

Here is a list of sins along with corresponding scripture references:

1. Adultery: Exodus 20:14(KJV), Matthew 5:27-28(KJV)

2. Idolatry: Exodus 20:3-6(KJV), 1 Corinthians 10:14(KJV)

3. Murder: Exodus 20:13(KJV), Matthew 5:21-22(KJV)

4. Theft: Exodus 20:15(KJV), Ephesians 4:28(KJV)

5. Coveting: Exodus 20:17(KJV), Luke 12:15(KJV)

6. Lying: Exodus 20:16(KJV), Colossians 3:9(KJV)

7. Blasphemy: Exodus 20:7(KJV), Matthew 12:31-32(KJV)

8. Greed: Luke 12:15(KJV), 1 Timothy 6:10(KJV)

9. Pride: Proverbs 16:18(KJV), James 4:6(KJV)

10. Envy: Proverbs 14:30, Galatians 5:26(KJV)

11. Gluttony: Proverbs 23:20-21(KJV), Philippians 3:19(KJV)

12. Sloth: Proverbs 18:9(KJV), Romans 12:11(KJV)

13. Witchcraft/Sorcery: Exodus 22:18(KJV), Galatians 5:20(KJV)

14. Homosexuality: Leviticus 18:22(KJV), Romans 1:26-27(KJV)

15. Drunkenness: Proverbs 23:29-35(KJV), Galatians 5:21(KJV)

16. Hatred: Leviticus 19:17(KJV), 1 John 3:15(KJV)

17. Gossip: Proverbs 11:13(KJV), James 4:11(KJV)

18. Disobedience to parents: Exodus 20:12(KJV), Ephesians 6:1-3(KJV)

19. Divorce (without valid grounds): Malachi 2:16(KJV), Matthew 19:6(KJV)

20. Unforgiveness: Matthew 6:14-15(KJV), Colossians 3:13(KJV)

Additionally, we all need forgiveness and redemption are key aspects of the Christian faith.

Sins of the Bible: Where do you stand?

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