Is it wrong to pray for something specific?

Well, let’s think about this, there are some very specific times when God’s people pray for very specific things, Like the healing of the man let down through the roof. His friends must have been praying that if they could get him to Jesus he would be healed (Mark 2:1-12(KJV). There was a time when Jesus’s mother asked Jesus to do a miracle at a wedding and He turned the water into wine (John 2:1-11(KJV).

These are two examples of asking God /Jesus to do something specific. Hezekiah asked that his life be lengthened and God did so by giving him 15 more years of life.

Now we must be careful about what we ask for because it may not be in the will of God for you to have some of the things we ask for. So let’s give it a test:

  1. Does it Glorify God in this thing
  2. Can God be seen in this thing
  3. Will this shine through you about God’s love for us

know there is a thing called the perfect will of God and we can do this by praying in the spirit to God. Here you don’t know what yours saying or thinking but you come into union with God about these things through this kind of prayer. God’s perfect will is not always what we would want it to be because God’s perfect will may be Life or Death, Wealth or poverty, etc.

I believe you can pray one way or the other pray for that specific need when you know it or pray for God’s will when you don’t know what to pray for.

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