Book Jeremiah

Jeremiah had to wait

When you under stand that God is never late, you wait differently.

By Jon Curtis

What is funny is I was reading in Jeremiah earlier this week and in Jeremiah 42:7 (NLT) it says: “Ten days later the LORD gave his reply to Jeremiah.” 

It was one of the first times I It was one of the first times I can recall  reading an actual number of days it took for the lord to answer  a prayer in the bible and it brought some comfort knowing that even  Jeremiah had to wait.

Comment was by Anthony Thorn

There are numerous instances in the Bible where people had to wait for an answer to their prayers. Here is a more comprehensive list of such instances:

  1. Abraham and Sarah’s Prayer for a Son (Genesis 15, 17, 18): They waited for many years for the fulfillment of God’s promise of a son, Isaac.
  2. Jacob’s Prayer for Blessing and Forgiveness (Genesis 32): Jacob wrestled with God and prayed for a blessing and forgiveness, which was granted but not immediately.
  3. Moses’ Prayer for God’s Presence (Exodus 33): Moses prayed to see God’s glory and had to wait for God’s response.
  4. Israel’s Cry in Egypt (Exodus 2): The Israelites cried out to God in their slavery, and it took time before God sent Moses to deliver them.
  5. David’s Repentance and Forgiveness (Psalm 51): David prayed for forgiveness after his sin with Bathsheba, and he had to wait for God’s response.
  6. Elijah’s Prayer for Rain (1 Kings 18): Elijah prayed for rain to end a drought, and he had to wait for the rain to come.
  7. The Canaanite Woman’s Faith (Matthew 15): The Canaanite woman asked Jesus to heal her daughter, and Jesus initially tested her faith before granting her request.
  8. The Healing of the Blind Man (Mark 8): Jesus healed a blind man in two stages, suggesting that the man had to wait for complete healing.
  9. Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh (2 Corinthians 12): The Apostle Paul prayed for the removal of a thorn in the flesh and had to wait for God’s response.
  10. Jesus’ Prayer in Gethsemane (Matthew 26): Jesus prayed for the cup of suffering to pass from Him, but ultimately accepted God’s will after waiting and praying.
  11. The Waiting of the Saints in Revelation (Revelation 6:9-11): The martyred saints in heaven are described as waiting for God’s judgment and vindication.

These examples illustrate the biblical theme of waiting for God’s timing and response in prayer. They emphasize the importance of patience, faith, and trust in God’s plan.

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Wayne Thorn
Rev. Cecil Thorn

Is a Director of Hiding Place Ministry since 2001 and ordained under HPM in Good Standing -I have a Doctorate degree in Theology from HPM Bible College and Seminary. -Author of "Church Evangelism" listed on Amazon.

Published by

Rev. Cecil Thorn

Is a Director of Hiding Place Ministry since 2001 and ordained under HPM in Good Standing -I have a Doctorate degree in Theology from HPM Bible College and Seminary. -Author of "Church Evangelism" listed on Amazon.

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